Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer Reminiscing...

Tomorrow (well, today) I'm en route to UNC-Wilmington! It's very bittersweet and i've spent the past few hours reminiscing on my Summer and Freshman year of college at Appalachian State. Here's a few things that made my Summer:

  • My sister (not biologically, but by choice) spent a week with my mom and I here in our hometown. She's older than me and has lived in DC for a while now so seeing her is always special. She's so inspirational because she's proof than you can achieve whatever you desire and that nothing or anyone should hold you back. 
  • My best friend (who is married with a child now) moved to Texas to be with her husband who just recently returned from deployment. I took on the task of driving 19 hours with her, a 3month old, and her amazing mother, and moving her into her house. I spent a month in Texas and it was a great experience but also sad because it's hard being so far from someone so close to you. As I was down there, I got to see my beautiful cousin and her family (they're also in the military). So it was a win-win! 
  • Unfortunately as I was in Texas, my grandfather [papaw] was diagnosed with cancer. I flew home early to be with him during his surgery and have spent my entire Summer with him. It's been VERY hard but quickly makes you view life in a different perspective. 
  • As I arrived from Texas, my brother, sister-in-law, and niece were here in Charlotte to greet me! It was exactly a year since I had saw my brother last (they live in Florida). The circumstances with my papaw made it an emotional stay but nonetheless, I enjoyed every minute with my family!
  • I got my first, probably only, tattoo. It reads "Strength" with the 'e' being a cancer ribbon. My grandmother passed away before I was born from breast cancer and my other grandmother passed away from cancer, as well. Once my papaw was diagnosed, I knew it was time to follow through with this tattoo. "Strength" represents what it takes for loved ones to fight this battle, and it has biblical meaning to me. Some people disagreed with it but it was ultimately my decision and I love it. Oh, the location is on my was painful. 
And here I am, after traveling, long lake days, all-nighters with my best friends, and a lot of growing up...i'm headed to Wilmington. It's hard to leave my family (and dog!) but I do know it is the right decision for me. This Summer I've made positive changes, figured out a little bit more about my future, and spent my time with the people that mean most to me. 

P.S.-If anyone reading this believes in prayer, take a second to pray for my papaw, as he's still battling <3

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday thoughts

Today's post is going to be a bit all over the place so brace yourselves! 

I came across a really neat way of making cash while doing your 'spring cleaning'--Consignment stores that BUY your clothes, instead of the typical consigning deal. Of course, the clothes/shoes/accessories must be gently used but I know I had tons of clothes that I maybe wore twice? And you get cash on the cleaning out and making money...SCORE! 

I also recently realized that I never explained the name of this blog, The Teal Journal. For one the primary color of my college is teal and it's one of my favorite colors. Two, it's a journal because that sums up my love of journalism and this blog is basically a journal.

And, lastly, here's some quotes I adore, thanks to Pinterest: Enjoy!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back to school cleansing!

I always love a little "spring-cleaning" before heading back to school. This year, however, proved to be a bit different than what I've become accustomed to. My cleaning has been more about making myself happier--getting rid of the negatives (not materialistic). If you're ready to cleanse yourself of the toxic environment here's a few tips I've been utilizing!

1. Clear out Facebook/Twitter/social media "friends"
    • If the only thing you see on a social media site (which we all know you look at daily) is negative comments and Debbie Downers, get rid of those people! You'll be amazed at how good you feel once you know it's only positive friends online and your mood will probably increase as your "friends" decrease :)

2. Make a new playlist
    • Music drastically helps/hinders my mood. As I'm ready to start fresh, new music helps me with my new life perspective. Try something different and stray away from the 'usual'. You'd be surprised how much you like an artist you've never heard of before!

3. Surround yourself with positive people
    • Everyone usually has that one person in their life who brings you down. Whether it be an ex or a friend, try to distance yourself from them. You'll really realize how much harm they were doing to your self-esteem and mood!
Love this quote <3

4. Create a new atmosphere
    • Lately, I have been finding great quotes and powerful messages that really produce a positive Ora. Whether you write on your mirror, place post-its with fun quotes around your room, or set a new phone'll be sure to give you a great start to your day! 

5. List qualities you love about yourself
    • This is the hardest for me because I'm my toughest critic. But find 5 qualities you love about yourself. If you can't, ask a friend or family member what they love about you. Focus on those positives instead of dwelling on the negatives!

A few small changes can add up to make a BIG difference. So as you're ready to tackle on a change or new beginning, use these steps to do some "spring-cleaning"! 

xoxo, kRf

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A New Beginning

Well as I have officially transferred, and considering I leave next week, I have begun the dreaded process of packing! I love to stay organized but when moving five hours away, that's a bit difficult. There's always the fear of forgetting something, taking too much, packing too little, and so much more. But, after taking many vacations and learning by mistakes last year at school, I have some tips to make your life a little less stressful while packing!

1Boxes are your best friend

  • Crates work great for packing those no-particular-place items
  • Rubbermaid tubs--use those for my clothes/bedding/etc
  • Cute & decorative boxes are perfect for sectionalizing clothing and will add that decorative effect to your room once you're there!

2. Rolling clothes up saves more space than folding!
  • I was always the paranoid one when rolling up my clothes but, it works! And if you roll them after they're folded, you're guaranteed to be wrinkle-free :)

3. Utilize items you only have used in the past 3 months
  • Keeping items at home that you don't use on a regular basis isn't hoarding but you should consider only bringing things you use on a regular basis (or in the past 3 months). This ensures that you're not wasting space and goes for anything--clothes, toiletries, jewelry.
4. Pack for seasons
  • Splitting up clothes and shoes into seasons is a MUST, especially for college. Even if you won't be coming home every other weekend, you most likely will for Fall Break/Thanksgiving, something. That's the perfect time to switch Summer clothes to Fall/Winter clothes. Major space saver.

These are a few small steps that can make packing easier. They help me tremendously and I hope they can help you, too! What are some tips you have when packing?

xoxo, kRf

Friday, August 10, 2012


Hi! My name is Kaitlyn and i've begun this blog for a variety of reasons. For one, I'm majoring in journalism at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (aka, the Dub, UNCW). Secondly, I've been inspired by bloggers and hope to be successful at it, too! Here's a short go-to summary about me:

I attend UNCW
Writing is one of my passions
I've danced my entire life (up until college)
Majoring in Journalism
Love love love the beach
Family is very important
I'm a little OCD when it comes to organizing
Planners, note pads, and lists are a beautiful thing

Basically, this blog will include all things college, especially from a girl's point of view. Hope you enjoy!

xoxo, kRf