Saturday, August 11, 2012

A New Beginning

Well as I have officially transferred, and considering I leave next week, I have begun the dreaded process of packing! I love to stay organized but when moving five hours away, that's a bit difficult. There's always the fear of forgetting something, taking too much, packing too little, and so much more. But, after taking many vacations and learning by mistakes last year at school, I have some tips to make your life a little less stressful while packing!

1Boxes are your best friend

  • Crates work great for packing those no-particular-place items
  • Rubbermaid tubs--use those for my clothes/bedding/etc
  • Cute & decorative boxes are perfect for sectionalizing clothing and will add that decorative effect to your room once you're there!

2. Rolling clothes up saves more space than folding!
  • I was always the paranoid one when rolling up my clothes but, it works! And if you roll them after they're folded, you're guaranteed to be wrinkle-free :)

3. Utilize items you only have used in the past 3 months
  • Keeping items at home that you don't use on a regular basis isn't hoarding but you should consider only bringing things you use on a regular basis (or in the past 3 months). This ensures that you're not wasting space and goes for anything--clothes, toiletries, jewelry.
4. Pack for seasons
  • Splitting up clothes and shoes into seasons is a MUST, especially for college. Even if you won't be coming home every other weekend, you most likely will for Fall Break/Thanksgiving, something. That's the perfect time to switch Summer clothes to Fall/Winter clothes. Major space saver.

These are a few small steps that can make packing easier. They help me tremendously and I hope they can help you, too! What are some tips you have when packing?

xoxo, kRf

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